Wednesday, December 14, 2011
இஃதன்றோ தாலாட்டு
அன்பகல் நன்கண் மொய்த்த பாக்கல்
நல்நிசிக்கு தமிழ் சிந்தை வணிகத்திருந்தனன்
நன்தழுவி உறங்கிக் கிடந்தவள் அதையுணர்ந்தனள்
நெஞ்சில் மெதுதட்டி நனக்கு நிசிகொடுக்க அவள்யுத்தி
தமிழ் தோய்ந்து உறங்கா நின்றநன் புத்தி
செய்வதரியாப்பெண்டு , கடையாயுத மேந்தி
காமமுற்ற கலைப்பில் நினையாற்றி
கதிரவன் இள மொளிக் கீற்று
கண்ணரிக்கும் வரை ஆழ் தூக்கம் தந்தனள்
Monday, February 28, 2011
Thursday, February 24, 2011
calling a call girl
Sunday, January 30, 2011
I don't have a bull's eye
Thursday, January 6, 2011
hatred crippled
Thousand girls is what I would have seen in my life. Hundred is what I would've talked to. Five is what I enjoyed accompanying. Two is what I wished to live with. One is what I felt comfortable and told that. Ironically the coin wagged its tail when head was my call.
At least the automated voice took pity on me and told "the subscriber is not picking your call" whenever I called her thereafter. Wished for first time, that I could hate her.
One fine day "clients in her office let her to spare sometime for me", "her distant relative stopped visiting her letting her spare sometime for me", "her doctors told that she is fit enough to talk", "the Sunday mass stopped extending throughout the whole of Sunday". And the day before that fine day I told her "that's cake walk for me, I'll help you with that".
"see you later"'s turned to "watzup", "wishing safe journey"'s extended to "reached safely?", "miss u" & "had good time"'s surfaced.
Those fine days were like cream on the cold coffee, unexpected chocolate flakes on that cream, lava in Chocó lava, extended euphoria.
Amid a terrible question popped "why did she offered all these sweetness to the kid (yah, that's me) she had abandoned all these days". Wished for the second time, that I could hate her.
She said "I'll explain, but in person. Since over air emotions would be lost".
Met her. A day filled of a movie, a lunch, a beach walk and a coffee. Yet she ends the day with "not enough quality time in the day to explain why”. Yet I rejoiced over her other parting words “wish the day keeps going” and I meant and sounded back the same.
Logically the question mark is yet to be erased, but I’m crippled to hate her.